Woodmont Street Residence

2105 Woodmont is a 5,305 square foot new residence in west Austin.  The home’s design consists of a master bedroom, two bedrooms for the children, a play area for the children, a study which doubles as a fourth bedroom, a semidetached garage, a detached workshop with a guest apartment above, and a covered outdoor kitchen.  The challenge with this project was to create a design that would mediate the husbands modern design taste with his wife’s traditional design taste.  In the initial sketches of the house I wanted the design of the home to evoke the feeling of a lantern.  The sketch described a continuous band of windows just below the roofline to create the effect of a floating roof.  The exterior of the home is clad in cut limestone and stucco.  The roof is a standing seam metal roof with exposed wood rafters below.

*Completed while working at Weiss Architecture